Selling Happily Ever Afters…

Selling Bull Shit Happily Ever Afters… No, it isn’t as easy as calories in and calories out. No, training for a single race will not improve your long term fitness and health. No, a magic 45 day fitness program will not undo twenty years of poor choices. No, going Vegan won’t solve all your healthContinue reading “Selling Happily Ever Afters…”

Does the moon get lonely?

Traveling alone is one of the greatest experiences I’ve ever had the opportunity to do. Over 25k miles across the United States in the past year…  through the backroads and big cities to see the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets from lighthouses, beaches, colorful waters, the highest mountains, and everywhere in between. It is rareContinue reading “Does the moon get lonely?”

What’s your best 1st step forward?

So how do I get started? Here’s my advice for taking the first step toward better fitness and health. What’s your “WHY”? What do you REALLY want out of this? Do you want to be healthy, lose some weight or look great in a Speedo? Or do you want to have the energy to play withContinue reading “What’s your best 1st step forward?”

Slow Down…

Slow down? Really Gary? That’s your advice for me?… I thought you were here to help me do more, get more, accomplish more?… What kind of advice is SLOW DOWN? Slow down… Just for a few minutes, slow down. Even better, slow down and give yourself some positive focused attention… for just a moment. WhenContinue reading “Slow Down…”

Repeat. Repeat. Repeat…

Anything worth doing is worth repeating over and over and over again until it becomes a part of you. There are 4 primary steps to modifying your mindset toward a new goal or destination. Awareness Clarity Prioritize Focus This is all before the intended action even begins moving forward. I often hear how difficult itContinue reading “Repeat. Repeat. Repeat…”

Is TIME holding you down?…

Time… The misconception of time, the comparison of numbers, the justification through explanation… it all comes down to the temporary feelings of what could’a, should’a, and would’a been done or is acceptable if we can just find a way to justify it with numbers. Time is one of the most misunderstood concepts in human history.Continue reading “Is TIME holding you down?…”

Consistent Daily Discipline

“Work harder on yourself than you do on your job.” Jim Rohn If there is one idea that separates winning from losing, it is the discipline of daily personal development. I spend several hours a week improving myself mentally. Reading books and articles, listening to speakers, presentations, podcasts and anything else I can get myContinue reading “Consistent Daily Discipline”

Resolve this New Year

“Start where you are and work toward where you want to be.” Resolve is to decide firmly on a course of action and settle or find a solution to a problem, dispute, or contentious matter… With the new year, it is simple to look at the blank calendar ahead and wonder what is next. ForContinue reading “Resolve this New Year”

Where did our common sense go!?

Suffering through disagreement and discontent Where did our common sense go? If we do good, good comes back. If we do bad, bad comes back. If we give, we will receive. If we love, we discover be love. If we hate, we find be hatred. If we eat poorly, poor health will follow. If weContinue reading “Where did our common sense go!?”

Food Journaling for Success

A new look at food journaling… Goal: Emotional and Behavioral pattern recognition and awareness WHAT?! are we going to do? For this exercise, we are going to focus on a few simple things; What we eat (Behavior) Why we eat it (Mindset) When we eat it (Environment) This should be done in your journal orContinue reading “Food Journaling for Success”