New News is Great News!

I hope you are doing great! I know it’s been a while… I’m really excited and have been laser focused on building a new business. I value your opinion and would really like to get your feedback. We are looking for good people who are ambitions and want to grow personally and professionally toward buildingContinue reading “New News is Great News!”

Accept Personal Responsibility

“You can only be proud of the things you earn.” – Jeff Bezos When things don’t go well, accept full responsibility because no matter the circumstances or outside influences, the choice to do or not to do is completely up to you. The same goes for when things DO go well. Accept full responsibility becauseContinue reading “Accept Personal Responsibility”

Coaching Call with Amy #1

I have found a passion and love and intellectual exuberance to work with people to grow mentally, physically, and emotionally in business, fitness, and life. For many years, I have had an idea… I wanted to have a client who was willing to start from scratch, with real challenges, being unapologetically themselves, and allow meContinue reading “Coaching Call with Amy #1”

A new addition…

Coffee and Conversations with real people about real life. A new approach to personal development through coaching. We work to clear the clutter so you can work toward your true potential by maximizing strengths, overcoming weaknesses and discovering the blind spots that are holding you back. If you are interested in being a guest, pleaseContinue reading “A new addition…”

What is Mindset Conditioning?

I have been asked the question: “What exactly do you do?” so many times, I have finally been able to answer the question with a little bit of organization. I have worked diligently for years to build the coaching business I am good at and so very proud of. Over the past 5 years, IContinue reading “What is Mindset Conditioning?”

Colorful Detours

Detours often lead to unexpected Adventures. It’s been a while, mostly an intentional break to make sure I was focusing my attention in the proper places. I’ve been debating much within and searching for some understanding from the outside world. I have no more understanding and have yet to find what I’m looking for… IContinue reading “Colorful Detours”

Selling Happily Ever Afters…

Selling Bull Shit Happily Ever Afters… No, it isn’t as easy as calories in and calories out. No, training for a single race will not improve your long term fitness and health. No, a magic 45 day fitness program will not undo twenty years of poor choices. No, going Vegan won’t solve all your healthContinue reading “Selling Happily Ever Afters…”