Selling Happily Ever Afters…

Selling Bull Shit Happily Ever Afters… No, it isn’t as easy as calories in and calories out. No, training for a single race will not improve your long term fitness and health. No, a magic 45 day fitness program will not undo twenty years of poor choices. No, going Vegan won’t solve all your healthContinue reading “Selling Happily Ever Afters…”

Take the Detour…

Detours… We have access to the most precise technology ever imagined. We plan our day, our travel, our everything based on the little device we hold in our had. We know EXACTLY where we are going, what the weather will be, how to get there, and even what the distance and time will be fromContinue reading “Take the Detour…”

What’s your best 1st step forward?

So how do I get started? Here’s my advice for taking the first step toward better fitness and health. What’s your “WHY”? What do you REALLY want out of this? Do you want to be healthy, lose some weight or look great in a Speedo? Or do you want to have the energy to play withContinue reading “What’s your best 1st step forward?”

Repeat. Repeat. Repeat…

Anything worth doing is worth repeating over and over and over again until it becomes a part of you. There are 4 primary steps to modifying your mindset toward a new goal or destination. Awareness Clarity Prioritize Focus This is all before the intended action even begins moving forward. I often hear how difficult itContinue reading “Repeat. Repeat. Repeat…”

Who is Gary Stotler?

Intro call with Gary! If you’ve ever been in the same room as Gary, you will know he brings an energy like no one else. His ability to connect and communicate is one of a kind. Whether you hire Gary in to speak, coach, or to bring your team together, you will not be disappointedContinue reading “Who is Gary Stotler?”