Colorful Detours

Detours often lead to unexpected Adventures.

It’s been a while, mostly an intentional break to make sure I was focusing my attention in the proper places. I’ve been debating much within and searching for some understanding from the outside world. I have no more understanding and have yet to find what I’m looking for… I am however finding some peace in the unknowns.

A few weeks has passed since my least favorite day of the year and I found myself a little bit older and not so much wiser and with even less real direction than a year ago.

The oddity of the situation is I have found more peace in the uncertainty than I have had in years past. Most everything I have been before is gone. Most everything I thought I was working toward has disintegrated leaving me with another pile of ashes… once again hoping for a beautiful Phoenix to rise once again.

I believe, with some scientific evidence and with the helpful reflections from many people I have worked with over the years, that we tend to physically manifest that which we emotionally feel.

If we are Joyful, our body exudes energy.
If we are lonely, we often feel empty.
If we are hurt, we often want to feel physical pain.

For a bit of time, I have felt lost. Much of which is living in a body I still don’t understand. I continue to sit in a mind that fascinates me, yet I lack the understanding around It’s full functionality. The life I have is full of much Joy and Energy due to my mindset and activities, yet I still find peace in the solitude of being completely lost with not much more than the horizon to guide my way.

To bring these concepts full circle, I have been feeling lost with a massive storm building inside. As I left my previous destination with a path unknown, I chased a brutal storm racing across the western plains hoping to stand in it’s path so I could feel the cleansing wrath of the wind and water.

I raced it through the deepest forests and down the backroads across the plains never able to catch up. As I became disappointed I was going to miss my chance to be met with the reminisce of my journey, I looked up just above the cows to find the Joyful gift I was missing.

I am in a place I have never been and would never have followed a map to arrive to and I have been gifted with the most full rainbow I’ve ever seen. The colors of the sky mixed with the reflection of the sun setting over the far off horizon has mixed itself into a beautiful energy gifting suprise.

As I immediately stopped chasing the darkness, I was given a fresh view of beautiful light sitting in the great big sky. I took the time to reflect in my moment as I gazed at the natural wonders we often miss passing through our lives ignoring much of what sets our heart free.

If I had a gift I could give directly to you, it would be a detour away from a challenge or adversity you are facing today, this week, this month, this year…

I would not give you the detour to take away from your journey, but to add some life giving energy to rebuild your strength and fortitude to head back into your challenge fully equipped with the stimulation and confidence you need to stand up once again and keep moving forward with your best next step toward your future.

Take an awkward step.

Take a detour.

Take a wrong turn.

Whatever you do….

Just take the step and don’t stop until you get where you want to go.

The difference between a cow and Buffalo is cows run away from the storm and Buffalo run through the storm…

Run like a MF Buffalo.

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