Success is Spelled ACTION!

Success is Spelled ACTION!

The moment you choose to step forward could be the moment that failure gives up and quits trying to holding you back…

January 14, 2019

Today is January 14, 2019… I have less than $100 in my checking account and enough to pay my February rent. I’m about $42,000 in the hole and I desperately need $5k which is due in the next couple weeks.

I just totaled my car and can’t replace it…

I am beginning to come out of the fog of drifting down the path of self-destruction and losing the women I love dearly.

This is not a cry for help or a plea for handouts… but an acceptance of the situation as it is. When I look back in one year, I will see today not as the end but the beginning of the rest of my life. The day I got over my fears and took control over my destiny rather than letting my struggles become my story.

Today is the day I put fear behind and allow myself the courage to give what I know I can, accept what I know and believe in what I deserve… and allow myself to become the man I have been hiding away… a man who no longer fears judgment and ridicule by others for chasing after the dream he knows is possible for himself and his family.

I now command my subconscious mind to give me the strength, the courage, the mindset, the plan, and the fortitude to take the action I know is needed and possible to create the future I believe I can have and deserve with all my heart and mind.

January 15, 2019

I demand Gary Stotler takes massive action toward his life’s plan of success in coaching, speaking, writing. Every day I command you to take action in a positive way toward the future you desire and deserve.

At any moment in the day, ask yourself: “is what I’m doing right now, creating the person within me that I want and deserve to be?”… if the answer is no, start taking massive positive action toward your goal NOW-A! (Never Over Wait- Again!)

I will no longer accept poverty in my life. I live a life of abundance and joy filled with money, positivity, love, encouragement, and I give to all I come in contact with. I no longer accept negativity in my life. I attract all forms of positivity within myself which is translated into my outer world in the form of joyful giving.

If someone doesn’t see value in me, then it is their problem, not mine. I do not accept mediocrity in my life. I do not accept people in my life who discourage me and hold me back from becoming the man I know I can and deserve to be. I have a love for all people, but I do not have to surround myself with all people. Those who cannot find joy in their life will never be able to help me find joy in my own life.

Every day I am moving my mission forward with positive thoughts and actions. I work hard to create the life I want. I have given up all things that do not serve me or my purpose. I have walked away from everything in my life that I no longer serve in a positive way.

I desire to become a best-selling author, a world-renowned speaker who people seek after for business and fitness advice… I am the person people call when they have no one left to call and I show them how taking personal responsibility for their thoughts and actions creates their desired results. I continue to learn, improve, and organize my personal philosophy every single day. I move forward in a positive direction by having a positive attitude, taking positive massive action, and creating a positive future for myself, my team, my loved ones, and touching new lives every day.

I now command my subconscious mind to create the positive feelings, take the positive action to create the success, the attention, the money, and the mindset needed to follow my passion of being the best Gary Stotler I can be today.

September 28, 2019

I could easily focus on the homeless part. The part where I don’t sleep at night and it is freezing… but I choose to focus on the opportunity. I choose to use the pain and discomfort to fuel my passion and purpose in life.

I am a successful coach and speaker. I don’t need money or fame or attention to prove it. I live my dream every day. I wake up and go to the nearest upscale hotel I can find. I sit with my coffee. I write for several hours and reinforce to myself people are paying me to be there. I daydream that I am in all the places I want to go. I believe I am on a business trip that is going to change my life.

I live my story of successful coach and speaker every day. I am living my dream.

I am Gary Stotler. I am a BAMF who will put in the time and effort to get anything I want no matter how difficult it is or how many people tell me no. I am a success and I live my success every day. No one can make me believe I am less than I am.

I have control of my actions, my life, and my future. I am a successful coach and speaker who is paid to travel the world.

January 26, 2020

As I conclude this journal, I am closing a major chapter in my life. I have been run over by many people in my life and walking away from a devastating experience. Much like losing 200 pounds, running 100 miles, and losing who I was in the process, losing myself trying to gain attention and validation has been no different.

I lost myself all the way to her and while I was with her, I lost myself all the way back to me. I must accept and let go that I will never get the closure I want or think I deserve, but here is what I do get…

I get the freedom of a clear conscious because I know I gave everything I had to our relationship and to her as a person. I cannot force anyone to love me. I must learn to love myself because that is the only love I can control in this world. We cannot force others to change. We can’t even force ourselves to change.

What we can do is accept who we are today, understand our past experiences and grow into the person we want to and need to become in the future.

People come and go but they will always leave a piece of them behind within us. That piece is a lesson for us to learn and grow from, not to dwell on in the pain of loss or regret. It is time to let go and move on from this chapter of my life.

March 2020

Gary, Wow… this past couple months has been a whirlwind. A lot has happened. You have been beaten up and suffocated yet somehow you are not only still standing but you continue to grow every day. Keep being you. Keep moving forward. You are climbing your own mountain and you are not always going to be able to carry the weight of the hopeless on you back. You are like no one else. You are special. You are one of a kind. You are strong. You are courageous. You are intelligent. You are the MF Sunshine with endless amounts of love and energy to give to others. Be you. Shine bright with love and light and you will attract everything you’ve ever dreamed of.

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I am Gary and I live my joyful life by traveling, learning, growing, living and being the best version of me. I will live everyday with gratitude and love for all.

December 12, 2020

Well, I’m not really sure what happened yesterday… but it was one of the most special days of my life. My book dropped on Amazon. I had a couple great client calls. Another client is moving on toward the rest of their life. As difficult as it is to part ways, I am so grateful for the opportunity to spend 3 years working side by side with someone. This is my ultimate goal, to help them implement life change so they can be their best self without me. I know I left a solid profit in their life. They have sure left a fortune of profit in mine. I will forever be thankful and grateful for our time together. I am so very proud of them and the work we have done together.

I went out and celebrated last night. I have never celebrated a book release before. I haven’t had anyone to celebrate a book release with. I am not really sure how the events of the night took place, but it was the simple and magical night I could have dreamed of. A simple dinner. A sparkling water. A surprise cupcake with a sparkler in it. A simple and wonderful note to accompany it all.

I felt so special.

I felt seen.

I felt heard.

I felt affirmed.

I truly felt like I was on top of the world. I have been begging (internally and externally) for this simple type of attention. This is the exact type of celebration I have wished and hoped for after all these years of wins and losses and goals to continue to move forward toward.

As I was getting ready for bed… I cried so hard with laughter. I feel an unbelievable amount of Joy and Love and Gratitude deep down inside me. Still today, I feel as though nothing is impossible. I have overcome so much to be where my feet are today and I’m only standing on the ground level now.

I’m no longer crawling my way back from rock bottom… but now have my feet planted firmly on the ground ready to take the first step toward the rest of my life.

I am here, today… right where I’m supposed to be headed toward the rest of my life. I’m not really sure exactly how I’m going to get there… but I know I’m finally on my way.

Today… Today is the first day of the rest of my life and I am grateful for where I am today, all the yesterdays that got me here, I’m excited to see where today and the rest of my days take me forward. I am full of Joy and Love and Gratitude and I promise I will remain in this state of mind through the wins, the losses, and the unknowns of all of the days to come.

I am Gary Stotler. I am a BAMF. I now command my subconscious mind to think the thoughts, take the actions, and feel the emotions I need and want that will take me to all the wonderful places I want to go now and in the future.

Gary… I’m always cheering for you. I hope you have your best day yet.

SUCCESS IS SPELLED ACTION! is now available on Amazon

4 thoughts on “Success is Spelled ACTION!

  1. Gary, we have been through so much in our young lives and to see you have over come them all you are an inspiration to me thank you brother.


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